Last Update: 10.08.2021

AYA v0.6 info! Little Bugfix for Ask Your Amiga, especially on AROS, the images would not load properly, fixed that very quickly. (17.04.2021)

AYA v0.3 info! There was some AmigaOS 4.x and MorphOS folder mixup. That’s fixed while other changes with this version are purely internal, some little redrawing problems that he got a report from OS4 and some bug fixing I found myself (not cleared buffer, such stuff). This update came only a few minutes after I posted this news.

Ask Your Amiga Info

The brilliant author behind muimapparium and Leu found lost energy to release “Ask Your Amiga”! This is an amazing tool for all sorts of AmigaOS variations. It is a powerful Internet asking tool that also includes info coming from Wikipedia. AYA is its shorter name is a searching asking tool that you’ve never thought would find its way to the Amiga operating system. But it is here!

This is a mighty Internet search tool for your Amiga that only demands one thing and that is being connected to the Internet. This is all a separate application that doesn’t require any web browser to be used. Brilliant!

The author behind Ask Your Amiga writes that “It’s working nicely, now also can save the image or text, but nothing more… just very basic functionality but even so I like it working rather smooth even on my slower Amiga 68030.”

Ask Your Amiga is a tool that uses the API of Wolfram Alpha. Wolfram Alpha does return answers from Wikipedia but it is much more than just that. It is a Very cool site related to topics such as math, physics, astronomy.

AYA is a brilliant tool for AmigaOS 3.x, MorphOS, AmigaOS 4.x, and AROS that lets you search Wikipedia without using any web browser. But you need to be online to use it. It is available for all Amiga systems with an Internet connection and a GIF Datatype installed with 68020 or higher. There are many GIF datatypes available on Aminet so your AmigaOS system can show images in this application.

Ask Your Amiga Specification and Download info

  • Classic Amiga with 68020+ and OS3.0+ or higher
  • AROS x86 ABIv0, ARM Raspi ABIv0, x64 ABIv1 nonSMP
  • MorphOS 3.x (PowerPC)
  • AmigaOS 4.x (PowerPC)

GIF datatypes: Aminet
Download here: Ask Your Amiga 0.6