Git Desktop is a graphical git frontend for MorphOS. It is quite similar to GitHub Desktop and GitLab Discovery but it also has some features inspired by Visual Studio Code, GitKraken.
With Git desktop you can:
- add existing repository
- clone from remote repository
- create (init) new repository
- switch/rename/delete branch (only for local ones)
- create branch from current or from selected
- list of tracked/untracked file(s)
- stage/unstage changes
- commit with message
- fetch, pull, push
- preview/view (raw/color) of diff for changed/untracked files (few view modes, including split mode)
- list of stashes with preview
- stash actions: stash, apply, drop, drop all, pop
- latest history/logs also with showing diffs of changed files
- undo last commit
- discard changes for given tracked/untracked file
- discard changes for selected/all files
- stash: given file, selected/all files
- custom stash name
- edit given tracked/untracked file, via external editor -> default is Flow Studio, can be changed
- view given tracked/untracked text/binary file, via external viewer -> default is MultiView, can be changed
- help viewer for git subcommands
- publish branch
- open “home” page in web browser for GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket repositories
- open “create new issue” page in web browser for GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket repositories
- open “compare branch”, “view branch”, “create Pull/Merge Request” page in web browser for GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket repositories
- publish branch
- checkout given commit
- configure global git options (user name, user email, default branch name)
- configure local (per repository) git options (user name, user email)
- copy author/hash/message of given commit to clipboard
- copy file path or file relative path to clipboard (for current files and for historical files)
- open new shell for given repository path
- open repository path via external editor-> default is Flow Studio, can be changed
- diff accuracy mode: line or word
- open repository drawer in Ambient
- incremental load of history logs on scroll
- add .gitignore from templates when creating new repository
- edit .gitignore and reload from templates for existing repository
- add LICENSE file from templates when creating new repository
- preview/compare image files via datatypes (for untracked files, current changes and history/logs)
Download the Git Desktop from Aminet here

Images regarding Git Desktop