It is time to move forward with our AmiTranslate project. It is one of the AmiDev Team projects that has been discussed. However, there are several Japanese Amiga users out there so we are taking the translation application further. AmiTranslate with Japanese translation Hack When our brilliant developer created AmiTranslateContinue Reading

Want to win a wireless Tank Mouse? Then, I want to know what was your most memorable moment with the original tank mouse? What did you do? How did it make you become a better person today? Is there something that you miss using the tank mouse? Write your storyContinue Reading

AmiFox started its journey in 2022. It was the year when Amitopia AmiDev Team was formed and it was the year when we started the AmiFox project after AmiTube, which was also included in our Developing path. All of us thought that AmiFox was just a nice tool that willContinue Reading

The waiting time is over! The new Tank Mouse is here! I met Lucas at Amiga37 and as he promised. The new tank mouse is now for sale! 2023 is getting awesome now. A great Amiga feel to both Classic and Nextgen Amiga users! Fantastic news. The Original Tank MouseContinue Reading