Coming soon! On sale at Kickstart 02. A600GS is a brand new Amiga computer. Not from Commodore, ESCOM, or Gateway 2000. But from AmigaKit! The new A600GS is aiming at giving everyone an authentic Amiga feel. It is not all about gaming, but giving the full Amiga experience to your home with one touch of the power button.

This package aims to compete with the A500 Mini but also gives users the real Amiga feeling because of the AmiBench addition.

The price for A600GS is estimated at around £100 + VAT + delivery. Sales will open soon and I hope this won’t be postponed like the A1222.

Most Interesting New Amiga in Ages

We are in the age where 68k and PPC can’t sadly push Amiga forward anymore. This means that FPGA, ARM etc. are great options for where Amiga and AmigaOS can evolve. By keeping 68k CPU code, the Amiga software will live forever and A600GS seems to follow that path.

Including all of the software that is pre-installed when you get your A600GS. You also get the newest version of AmiBench.


AmiBench is a proprietary desktop environment developed by AmigaKit Ltd for the A600GS, Commodore-Amiga computers, and Next Generation Amiga-like computers.

It is built upon AmigaKit’s System Release V46 distribution. You can say that A600GS is a New ARM-based Amiga, where AmigaOS or AROS gives you the complete Amiga user experience as Amiga has always been a computer. HDMI graphics are out all the way!

Hardware specification on A600GS

The new A600GS will come with 4GB system memory and 128GB storage. This means that you can create lots of paintings in Personal Paint and songs in OctaMed before your system is out of mem!

Source: Edit: Michal Bergseth

With the A600GS package, you also have 2 9-pin D-Sub connectors that let you use an Amiga mouse and Joysticks (as you can see above). But this is the only Amiga-related hardware in this new Amiga that The A500 Mini lacks. But both of them have USB ports.

There is also an audio jack connector for adding external speakers to your A600GS. An Ethernet port is also there for connecting A600GS to the net. The power is connected using a USB-C connector. The graphics run because of the new ARM Graphics library.

It will be interesting to test it fully and make a review when A600GS is out. What does it have? and,… What does it give? … AmigaKit’s aim at launching it Q2, 2024 is near now. I am ready to order this new Amiga.