These times with war in Ukraine makes time though for many Amiga user. But it also makes me reflect on the Amiga Community. It is so creative and unique keeping what’s best in humanity.

Everything that is made with a soul, will last forever. 68000 to 68060 might not be M1 MAX or M1 Ultra but they can run AmigaOS-made applications as fast or even faster than macOS. Booting AmigaOS 3.0 for the first time back in 1992 was just mind-blowing for me. 3-4 seconds on the very first boot after installing AmigaOS 3.0 was just insane fast at that time… and this is No SSD HD but on a 2.5″ IDE spinning hard drive.

Amiga made me fight for this community because it showed me what a computer is really capable of doing. The lightweight and the free-mind-creativity with no limits made me understand how important it is to fight for the Amiga platform. I saw how much Windows and macOS became users’ worst enemy and that the companies behind these two giants fear AmigaOS’s open philosophy.

So, in my mind AmigaOS won over death because it never had a stable owner since Commodore times I think. Tools such as SnoopDOS make AmigaOS even more unique today. That it allows developers to speak directly with every part of its hardware with no limitations is simply fantastic.

Classic Amiga is alive because of You! Amitopia Amiga Magazine follows the Amiga Community. Thanks for Reading Amitopia.

Best Regards,
Michal Bergseth