DVI-I Upgrade for Amiga 1200 Indivision AGA Review

Back in 1993, Commodore released Amiga 1200 which is one of the world´s most loved computer by users and 3rd party Amiga hardware manufactures. This little computer-beast from Commodore got accelerator cards, memory expansions, PCI slot upgrades and now even a Scandoubler that fades anything else out there of theContinue Reading

MP3s on Amiga 68060

A soundchip from 1985 can play MP3s? No way! But here we deliver a video showing our Amiga 1200 with 68060 50MHz CPU and 32MB RAM bringing you music from Amigaremix.com. Yes, it takes about 95% of CPU so the Amiga becomes hard to use while listening to a 320kbpsContinue Reading

Doom Amiga 68060

In 1993, Doom came out for many computers and consoles. However, ID Software never made Doom for Amiga ever. Here Amitopia tries to kill some myths about Amiga and Doom. Some of the Doom executables like ADoom even have a rotate-able map and support for Multiplayer. You can also playContinue Reading

Hello everyone, Moya Jackie could announce that the AmiGameJam website has been updated. She have filled up the website with totally new Amiga games entered in the competition with screenshots, download links and further information. A big thanks to all of the people who took the time to make gamesContinue Reading

AmigaOS 3.9 User Manual

If you wondered about how to use AmigaOS 3.9 then this book by Adam Zalepa is worth considering buying. From the description of the book Complete manual for AmigaOS 3.5 and 3.9 users. Includes many topics such as AmigaOS update (from 3.1 to 3.5/3.9), software installation and Workbench configuration. AuthorContinue Reading

HippoPlayer Github

For those who know what MOD files are, HippoPlayer was and still is one of the best MOD players for AmigaOS. The player got many features such as playing music from archives, double click on files to play, 14-bit Paula tones, Scopes showing on the screen, and even Choose FASTContinue Reading