A simple and very straightforward GUI Unarchiver application using XAD v12.1a or later is out for AmigaOS 3.2 or newer.
The name of the GUI unarchiver is Avalanche and now v1.4 is out and it is looking great. The application is designed to be used for AmigaOS 3.2 or later. It is also tested on AmigaOS 4, which is awesome! Avalance needs the new window.class that comes with AmigaOS 3.2 or later.

Avalanche is made by Chris Young while the XAD library system that is developed for AmigaOS is an open-source client-based unarchiving system for the Amiga by Dirk Stoecker. Inside the XAD archive, you find the master library called xadmaster.library that provides an interface between the client such as Avalanche and the user application and there are clients handling the special archive formats. The XAD system needs an application such as Avalanche to work. It cannot work on its own.
This subsystem was officially included in AmigaOS 3.9 (December 2000) by German company Haage & Partner along with a simple ReAction GUI-based tool for unarchiving supported file archives. Avalanche is taking this to AmigaOS 3.2 and beyond.
CPU versions of XAD for AmigaOS
Before installing xadmaster, you should know what sort of 68k CPU that you’ve got as this unarchiving system takes the advantage of the higher 68k CPU’s such as 68020, 68030, 68040, and 68060 if you’ve got them.
Here are the versions that you can Download
- xadmaster000.lha : 68000 and 68010
- xadmaster020.lha : 68020, 68030, 68040
- xadmaster060.lha : 68060
Avalanche is a nice GUI addon for people that don’t want to go the Dopus Magellan way, which also supports the XAD library system. I have put Avalanche into my WBDock2 dock bar for easy access as I don’t want to use Dopus Magellan all the time. Avalanche makes it better to use AmigaOS 3.2 overall.

After my Avalanche test for this news item, I also tested it for unarchiving a huge PNG archive from Aminet as you can see above. The application loads the archive into a list that it shows. Then you chose the destination. You can choose which of the files that you want to unarchive. Avalanche lets you tick off and on which files that you want to make that action on.
I recommend getting it for its simplicity. Thanks to Chris for this awesome tool.