World Premiere of Reshoot R

World Premiere of Reshoot R for Amiga AGA TodayMy first ever shooter that I played on my Amiga 500 was Menace for the Amiga. For me personally, it was way ahead of its time I think.

Menace is one of the very first games for Amiga that got parallax scrolling. Also, the game contains awesome graphics, a lovely science fiction atmosphere, and a nice weapon/shield system. This game from the early days of Psygnosis and DMA blew my mind when I saw it and I still play it today a lot! So to see a totally new shooter that keeps the same quality or even higher for Amiga in 2019 is something that I have been waiting for… Finally, the Wait is over! Finally, Reshoot R is here!


Launch of Reshoot for Amiga AGA happens Today

Richard which is the coder of Reshoot R delivers a game that is so pristine and gold to look at. You would think that this kind of quality wouldn’t hit the Amiga market in 2019 but he did it.

Reshoot R is simply what I call a real Amiga game.. For me this game got that title together with Stardust, Elfmania and many the Amiga only made 3D FPS games. Reshoot R is for sure in that list. Because Reshoot R is a true example of what Amiga AGA machines are capable of.

The parallax scrolling in this game is insane! It is at a level that only a few games have managed to show in the past. Reshoot R really shows that Amiga could have been a worthy competitor to X68000 and many other Japanese consoles from the same era if many more coders had the chance to prove that and Richard have done. What would have happened of the Japanese shooter makers knew back in the days?… Today we can only speculate!.. . !

World Premiere of Reshoot R for Amiga AGA TodayWatch the WORLD PREMIERE on Twitch Today

We at Amitopia Amiga Magazine recommends everyone who is interested to watch the Reshoot R Stream tonight. Be part of the awesome WORLD PREMIERE of Reshoot R with Developers Richard Löwenstein, Kevin Saunders & Martin Ahman. Don’t miss it! Everyone is invited…

Times for the Reshoot R Amiga Bill Stream on 28th of May 2019

  • 15.00 (3pm) | New York
  • 20.00 (8pm) | Dublin, London, Lisbon
  • 21.00 (9pm) | Oslo, Stockholm, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Warsaw
  • 22.00 (10pm) | Helsinki
  • 04.00 (4am) | Tokyo
  • 05.00 (5am) | Melbourne, Sydney
  • 07.00 (7am) | Wellington

Go here for watching the WORLD PREMIERE of Reshoot R


World Premiere of Reshoot R for Amiga AGA TodayAmitopia Questions regarding Reshoot R

Because of my interest in Reshoot R since Amiga32 when I played the very first beta and also met and talked with Richard. The bound to his product been placed in a special place in my heart. From the very first Reshoot R try out until today I have loved the whole concept of this lovely shooter from him.

So, I asked him to answer some questions regarding Reshoot R!

Here is a short Q&A with Richard

1. Why Reshoot R name?

I like the message of the Reshoot-title. It´s about shooting stuff in a retroesque game, all in just one word. The „R“ in RESHOOT R basically stands for „Repeat the original Reshoot, but with enhanced visuals and gameplay“. That RESHOOT R, in the end, would be enhanced to such an extent that both games have almost nothing in common except the title and basic genre, that I did not imagine three years ago when I started developing.

2. What do you like most in Reshoot R?

I love the fact that the game does not only look very good but also plays excellent. Not many Amiga-games can claim that.

3. What was the hardest thing to do for Reshoot R?

Gather contributors who are creative and can deliver their creative output in a way that I can use it on such an old platform as the Amiga. At first, I imagined to work with students from a current class of a media school in Munich, but these guys are used to their 4K true-color visuals and simply could not work with only 16 colors and a resolution of 320 x 256 pixels. Whereas Kevin Saunders know exactly how he has to render and draw a spaceship in such a way that I can implement it into the RESHOOTR-engine. The thing which bugged me most recently was getting the game to run flawlessly on 68040 and 68060 CPUs. That was a really steep learning curve for me, at times so frustrating that I almost gave up the whole project.

4. What made you do Reshoot R?

The will to create an Amiga game in 2019 which the community hopefully finds comparably entertaining as the best Amiga games in the early 90s, which to me was the best time to have an Amiga.

5. Why supporting Classic Amiga in 2019 with a new game?

Because the Amiga was such an important part of my life in the 80s and 90s, and I always imagined to create a game on this platform. The big community which exists nowadays allowed me to create something for the community and get something back – positive feedback, which feeds my soul.

Love your game!!!

Thank you very much!

World Premiere of Reshoot R for Amiga AGA Today

Get all the details about how to get Reshoot R Tonight

Tuesday 28th of 2019 will be a big day. The Amiga community is ready to support and we at Amitopia Amiga Magazine intend to help as much as we can. Tonight your questions regarding Reshoot R will be answered. At the stream, you will also get to know where to buy the game and more.

My first view of Reshoot R is very positive. This parallax shooter for Amiga AGA is something that I’ve been waiting for since Amiga32 event in Neuss, Germany. Reshoot R is a shooter like no other. It runs on any Classic Amiga AGA hardware with 68020 or more and 1.8MB Chip RAM or more. Get ready to be impressed. I was,… and on the stream today you will see Why!

Be sure to read more Reshoot R related content very soon!… .. .


Source: Richard Lövenstein

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