Airsoft Softwair is proud to present GL Galore 1.1, the ultimate OpenGL® scripting solution for Hollywood! This is a major update which introduces Unicode support (requires at least Hollywood 7), support for the Raspberry Pi (needs at least a Raspberry Pi 2), and support for 64-bit architectures on Windows, Linux,Continue Reading

Update for AmigaOS 4.1

Hyperion Entertainment is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the space-combat simulation Descent: Freespace* for AmigaOS 68k/WarpOS and AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition from the direct downloads section of our website. Customers can now choose between Update for AmigaOS 4.1 and Classic versions of this amazing game: a purely digital version at a priceContinue Reading

The Amiga Years

Amiga as a computer seems to be big in Germany. And because of this popularity, A-EON also manages to earn and produce new PowerPC based Amigas. Without the support of German Amiga users, there wouldn’t be much Amiga future and we can sort of thank Petro, which was the CEOContinue Reading