AmiTube 0.8 with full AROS Support

Playing a little bit more with PHP scripts and AmiTube, finally, Alb42 got the direct download to work (via his server of course, because remember no shared SSL library like AmiSSL on AROS, and the wget is too old to connect to googles Youtube Server) and it works quite nicely…

You can search by keywords or youtube URLs for your favorite short films then the Server will download them convert to CDXL(32 for OCS Amigas or 255 colors for AGA or RTG Amigas) or MPEG1 (for fast RTG Amigas) then the movie is downloaded to your Amiga where you can use any CDXL/MPEG Player to watch them.

AmiTube 0.8 is out for both AROS and AmigaOS.

Your very own converter Server (via docker container)

All you need to get it is to start:

docker pull alb42/amitubeserver

on your Linux box with docker installed

and then to start the actual docker container:

docker run -p 1234:80 alb42/amitubeserver

here the 1234 is just an example the port you want to have the server running on (of 80 is free of course you can also use -p 80:80). Then go to your AmiTube icon and add the SERVERURL= parameter for example


And voila it should work

The more complicated hands on way (directly on your server)

Warning that manual is untested until now, I tried my best to recall what you need, but no guarantee.

Since Version 0.7 you can use your own Server to search/convert/download movies from YouTube, in principle the whole communication (except the update search) is done by your Server then.

What you need

  • A Linux server
  • Webserver with PHP 7+ (I advise Apache)
  • yt_dlp installed (with all requirements for it, python for example)
  • docker installed
  • ImageMagick installed (to convert the preview icons)
  • This AmiTube-Server files: AmiTubeAPIv1

AmiTube via Docker on Classic AmigaOS

How to install

Get the docker container with : docker pull alb42/agaconv

Make sure docker can be started by the user which starts the php script, usually something like www-data. dor more informations on starting docker as non root check out the docker documentation.

Copy the contents of the AmiTubeAPIv1 archive to the top of webpage (you can rename the folder of course or put that to a subfolder as you like, you need to find the URL later).

Use your Browser to http://your.server/atv1/ytsearch.php if php is working and you have the right URL it should show an „OK“.

Edit the ToolTypes of your AmiTube and add the new ToolType: SERVERURL=http://your.server/atv1/

If you now start AmiTube it should use your server. If not check the apache error log for messages.

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