Amiga Saga continues against AmigaOS 3.1.4

AmigaOS 3.1.4 sales worldwide Revealed by Hyperion
AmigaOS 3.1.4 sales worldwide Revealed by Hyperion

In our last article about AmigaOS 3.1.4 we could reveal that AmigaOS 3.1.4 sales in Germany are at staggering 26%, which is a number coming from Hyperion Entertainment. But now, according to a news item on – Amino is now taking legal action measures against Hyperion and their publishing of AmigaOS 3.1.4 it seems!?

Amino and Hyperion entered into a settlement agreement in 2009. Cloanto answers Amitopia about the situation and writes to us that Hyperion is publishing AmigaOS 3.1.4, which is the case here. Is Hyperion prohibited from publishing AmigaOS? But Hyperion is still selling it. Amitopia tried to make contact with Timothy De Groote from Hyperion about this, but no reply.

Amino aka Amiga Inc is taking legal action action against Hyperion’s AmigaOS 3.1.4

Hyperion management is confirming that the company – or rather, its service provider Avangate – recieved a cease and desist from Amino. As of now, it is unknown to us what this C&D is based on. But Hyperion simply switching to a different service provider and continuing to sell the product worldwide is a clear statement that the two parties disagree about the legal situation. –

All of the links seem to work nicely right now. But it seems like this was an issue on the 19th of October. Hyperion is using a different service provider for its online sales now than before Friday. Then they used Avangate, and then later Hyperion changed it to and now they use MyCommerce.

The new, cleaned-up, polished Amiga operating system for your 68K machine fixes all the small annoyances that have piled up over the years. Originally intended as a bug-fix release, it also modernizes many system components previously upgraded in OS 3.9. Contrary to its modest revision number, AmigaOS 3.1.4 is arguably as large an upgrade as OS 3.9 was, and surpasses it in stability and robustness. Over 320K of release notes cover almost every aspect of your favorite classic AmigaOS — from boot menu to datatypes.

Working together is a tough thing to do?

Why can’t the AmigaOS developers and especially the companies do something instead of trying to do actions that don’t do any good for the platform? I really hope that someone can fix this mess in the end so that there is one company carrying on the Amiga legacy. Amiga users deserve a much better future. Not only because of the community, but also for the companies delivering AmigaOS updates both for Classic and Nextgen Amigas.

And why does Amino want Amiga rights? You didn’t do anything good for the Amiga market when you had the chance. Just empty promises! Sigh!..


Source: amiganews


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