If you had the need to mount and use UNIX filesystems, then BFFS package on Aminet might be something for you.
Makes it Possible to mount and use UNIX Filesystems
BFFS is an AmigaOS filesystem which includes support utilities to read and write Berekeley Fast Filesystem (FFS/UFS) media. So, this package is bringing AmigaOS and UNIX closer together.
You can use UNIX filesystsems directly under AmigaOS. BFFSFilesystem allows you to mount (and use) Unix filesystems directly under AmigaOS (AmigaDOS). Function in the operating system is similar to how FastFileSystem (FFS) is used to read and write Amiga-native media. This filesystem should be compatible with most AmigaOS applications which use the Dos Exec message layer or above.
Release 1.15 by Chris Hooper includes these features
This release is an update to BFFS 1.5 which was released in August 1996, and is the first release to include full source. This version should be compatible with the following UNIX filesystems:
- SunOS 4.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.2.
- Amiga UNIX (SVR4) UFS
- BSD 4.3 and 4.4 UFS/FFS – still supported by NetBSD 7.1.1
- BSD UFS V1 (this is post-4.4 and pre-UFS V2) – supported by NetBSD 7.1.1
- BSD UFS V2 (read-only at best)
There are a few different builds of the filesystem included in the distribution. The default "BFFSFileSystem" can automatically detect and read/write both big-endian and little-endian filesystems. It has been tested against NetBSD/amd64 7.1.1 newfs and fsck. The following support utilities are included: bffstool cmp disklabel edumpfs fsck mknod restore tunefs chmod dbprint dump fs_file_verify ln newfs sync umount chown dcp dumpfs fs_thrash ls rdb touch
So, if you are into getting UNIX File System for your Amiga. This first update release since 1996 is something to consider
Download BFFS16 from Aminet here
Chris Hooper on Aminet