The amazing shoe which I know a lot from the Christmas Amiga parties at the Syntax Society location in Sweden, is stepping outside of his comfort zone to tell us all about the new Amiga 500 Plus Mini-ITX motherboard called Denise.

In the picture above, you can see the PCB layout of Denise which is an Amiga 500 Plus Clone with Zorro II slots.
In the video below that is made by Show, he describes Denise and how it is made. In the video he can reveal that Because of its size, the Denise motherboard can fit into many standard mini-ITX desktop boxes or towers.
Here is the Denise from Sweden with Love
The Denise is a Mini-ITX motherboard as mentioned above. The motherboard is equipped with Amiga 500 Plus chips and ROMs on it. The motherboard is designed and made by MrA which also made the previous Amy motherboards back in 2010-2011.

As you can see in the picture above. The design is really dense, but it is working! MrA been using almost 10 years on Denise and the work is now showing really great results. The 68k slot connector is there, and the Kickstart ROM connector, ZorroII, and all the important Amiga ports are there too.
Please watch the video and comment on how awesome you think this is if you think. This will help the future of Denise and future projects from MrA.
Since it is based on Amiga 500 Plus, means that it is an ECS Amiga. No AGA here, but with the ZorroII slots you can add a graphics card that can make up for the loss of AGA. Maybe MrA will make an AGA version later on if enough buys and supports it.
When Denise is available, you will find it listed on
What do you think of Denise?
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