ADOM Amiga Version

“After 6000 years of peace the beautiful world of Ancardia is once more threatened by the forces of Chaos. Dark and sinister beings emerge from a huge dungeon complex hidden in a remote mountain range known as the Drakalor Chain. They plunder, burn and kill everything they encounter and poseContinue Reading

UNIX Filesystems

If you had the need to mount and use UNIX filesystems, then BFFS package on Aminet might be something for you. Makes it Possible to mount and use UNIX Filesystems BFFS is an AmigaOS filesystem which includes support utilities to read and write Berekeley Fast Filesystem (FFS/UFS) media. So, thisContinue Reading

Inviyya is yet another Amiga game that is in development. This is a totally new Amiga Shoot Em Up that have been released onto YouTube for showing of how the gameplay is going to look. The music which is played during this pre-alpha gameplay is already showing quality. So, itContinue Reading