We are proud to announce our next ZZAP! Live event in collaboration with South West Amiga Group and Retro Computer Museum. The ZZAP! Live event will cover each an every Commodore system including the Amiga family.

The event is split into 2 parts:

Main Event: the day time main event starts at 10 am and finishes at 6.00 pm. You will have access to all that the event has to offer during this time:

  • Over 60 Commodore systems to play games on. Every Commodore system will be represented from the Commodore PET up to the Amiga 4000.
  • A Fusion Zone where non-Commodore systems will be available to play: Sega consoles, Playstation, Saturn, N64, DOS gaming and more!
  • We have a dedicated Q&A room that will hold up to 160 attendees along with the panel. We have some guests lined up including Rob Hubbard (music in Sanxion, Delta), Andrew Braybrook / Steve Turner (Uridium, Paradroid, Rainbow Islands, Fire and Ice), Jon Hare / Stoo Cambridge (Wizball, Sensible Soccer, Cannon Fodder), Simon Butler / Paul Hughes  (Ocean Software titles), Andy Davidon (Worms on the Amiga). We have asked many others and are waiting for confirmation before announcing.
  • There will be gaming competitions throughout the day.
  • We will have a room full of old original arcade machines (many of which are from Archer Maclean’s collection) supplied by the Arcade Archive (The Retro Collective) in Stroud. In addition, we will have LCD arcade games and pinball machines.
  • There will be a fully licensed bar throughout the day, and good value food available to purchase.