Warp Scandoubler with Warp 1260 and HDMI connector

Once Warp products are released. There will be an option for Amiga 1200 owners to get a Warp Scandoubler that can either be used standalone or together with Warp 1260.

When used together with Warp 1260, the HDMI signals out will handle both the Amiga AGA and RTG signals through the same cable. This is my very first time when I am able to show it to you and it’s a product that people need if you don’t have one of the very few flatscreen monitors that can handle Amiga monitors.

CS-Lab S.C. is the company behind it. Amitopia Amiga Magazine will inform once this addon will be on sale.

HDMI Standalone or Through Warp 1260

You will be able to use this Warp Scandoubler as an HDMI Standalone for AGA Amiga signals out. But when connected to a Warp 1260 you will be able to show both RTG and AGA Amiga at the screen at once. A nice new product that will be a nice new Scandoubler for all Amiga 1200 owners that want HDMI out.

My personal advice is to have a monitor or tv with HDMI 1.3 or older to be able to see Amiga signals. My LG 37″ TV from 2005 have no issues showing the signals from my Amiga 1200. But my Sony 60″ TV from 2018 with HDMI 1.4 cant show my Amiga 1200 signals through DVI from my Indivision AGA mk2. Even though I use the 720p mode from Aminet it doesn’t show anything.

Lots of new products will be available now in 2020. Amiga is a survivor. The 68060 Future Is Here!