What is going on at Pixelglass? They seem to become legends for Amigans everywhere. Delivering both commercially and free games to buy and download. Since the start, they have delivered titles such as Giana Sisters S.E. (Free), AlarCity (Commercial), Road Avenger (Free), Worthy (Commercial), Time Gail (Free), and now Raid Over Moscow (Free). Their Metro Siege game is also under development by this remarkable group. Pixelglass seems to be very active in the Amiga scene and I as an Amiga user love their support for it.
In this article, I focus on Raid Over Moscow. But I also wanted to extend the info about Pixelglass since they have released so much for our platform. I love supporting Amiga spirits like them. It is impressive to see so much Amiga love from them and all of their titles just work! I never had issues with their game releases which is really good.
Raid Over Moscow is a ported Commodore 64 game to Amiga
The Amiga version of the Raid Over Moscow game is a Commodore 64 classic port that is now out by Pixelglass. They have brought this exciting thriller game back to life on the classic Amiga platform! It is a totally new action game with many interesting elements added to the gameplay. So be gentle to your Joystick when playing it. It is a hard but very rewarding exciting game for all Amiga users.
The plot in this game is dated since it comes from the cold war era when Commodore 64 ruled the computer market. In the new Raid Over Moscow game for Amiga, it is also set to the cold war times. This game is an interesting thriller game where a team of space-based commandos must save the U.S. from a Soviet nuclear strike! A totally new game made for Amiga to enjoy and it doesn’t require much either to play.
Available for all Amigas
- 68000 and up
- 1MB of RAM
- Floppy disk drive, OR
- 1MB of Hard Drive Space, OR
- CD-ROM – including CDTV and CD32
Important Notes about Raid Over Moscow
- Original game developed by Bruce Carver and Access Software in 1984
- Art by Adrian Cummings and John Tsakiris
- Original Sound Track by Simone Bernacchia and John Tsakiris
- Amiga version coded in Blitz Basic by Erik Hogan
- Special thanks to the users of the English Amiga Board and the Commodore Amiga Facebook page