Back in 1993, Commodore released the SEGA killer console that was never released in Japan! The Amiga CD32 was going to bring Commodore back to the streets but it was way too late. Amiga CD32 was released as the 32bit console with AGA chipset and now 68060 is coming for it! Amazing!
I was totally blown away. Finally, the Terrible Fire guy is on fire giving Amiga CD32 the boost it deserves. By putting a 68060 in it, this underrated console from Commodore gets a deserved boost. It really turns this console to The Fastest Amiga CD32 Ever!
Watch the video below to see how it looks like etc.

Ravi Abbott has done quite an interesting video about the prototype I think. Well made. Kudos! In this video, he takes a look at the new Commodore Amiga CD32 060 card with 128MB of Ram from Terrible Fire.
I’ve also decided to put this on the frontpage of Amitopia Amiga Magazine.

On the Sysinfo picture above you can see that Terrible Fire 68060 card cannot be compared to the Warp or the Vampire cards but that is not its goal. This accelerator is made for users of Amiga CD32 that simply want a faster machine with 128MB RAM that is more than enough!
Important Amiga CD32 Info to Know
The mighty Amiga CD32 came with a full 68020 14.17MHz 32bit CPU, 2MB of Chip RAM, Kickstart 3.1, and its new Akiko chip. This Amiga console was going to tip the other consoles out of the market.
But the biggest reason why Commodore didn’t get the sale boost is that the console was never released in Japan where they love consoles. The console had a way too short life. A very underrated console, yet that is understandable because of the economic issues that Commodore had at that time. And now users keep it alive.

Instead of giving the Amiga CD32 and the entire Commodore line a new life, Commodore went bust back in May 1994 leaving the entire computer industry back 10 years! If only Commodore could have lived until now. We might have had flying cars by now, but instead, we had to go through Java and Flash years.
But users of Amiga keeps it alive. Amiga CD32 is a Survivor!