Back in 1993, the Amiga Expo event in Norway was really awesome. I went to this event on all of its 3 days trying everything that I saw! It was before the fall of Commodore. It really felt at that time that Amiga is really going to succeed. But we all know what happened.
At this Amiga Expo event, I was so lucky to try out the Virtual Reality machine that was powered by Amiga 3000 at the Amiga event in Oslo named Amiga Expo.
So, where would the Amiga go with its Virtual Reality revolution go? Commodore fall happened in the second quarter of 1994. So, it didn’t do anything. However! ESCOM and Amiga Technologies tried back in 1995. They succeeded almost… if only ESCOM didn’t also fall.
What would happen if ESCOM survived. Now, that’s another thing. So, here is a look at ESCOM’s i-glasses that some Amiga games from 1995 also support even. Find out about this and more here.
In 1995, ESCOM launched their VR i-glasses
Heppenheim, 28.7.95. Virtual Products GmbH, subsidiary of Escom AG, the second largest computer products manufacturer and one of the largest product retailers in Europe, is the exclusive distributer of the Virtual i – O’s i – glasses in Europe. Virtual Products is concentrating on the latest 3D and VR Products, incl. Video and Software.
Virtual i – glasses are a virtual reality headset and weigh only eight ounces. The Product allows users to view everything from computer games and virtual reality environments to television and video programming in full color and hi-fi stereo sound. Virtual i – glasses create the effect of a large virtual screen in front of the viewer. The virtual i – glasses are compatible with personal computers, Amiga, and all major gaming systems including Sega, Nintendo and Sony. It also connects to television and VCRs.
The European PAL Video standard for Virtual i – glasses is exclusively developed and distributed by Escom. Please notice that the US – Version does not fit to the european PAL standard and no service can be provide. The Product is available by european dealers after the first of September 95.
Virtual i – O has made some influential friends lately. IBM and Microsoft have aggreed to support the company’s i – glasses. Virtual i – O’s headset will be compatible with a large number of future Microsoft Windows 95 and IBM OS/2 games. The Amiga development community also showed interest for the i -glasses. We think that this is the break through of VR. Make your mind move.
See you on the other side.
Not many Amiga games got the support. But some of the best Amiga 3D FPS games such as Nemac IV DC and Gloom Deluxe got native support. When you start Gloom Deluxe preferences. Then you can choose to use i-Glasses mode or not. It was pretty awesome, but people didn’t understand where Virtual Reality marked was heading and in summer 1996 ESCOM had to close it doors.
Gloom Deluxe iGlasses option in the Preferences for the game

Here is how the Gloom Deluxe version that came out in 1995 offered support for these i-Glasses from ESCOM and Amiga Technologies. Including iGlasses! it also supports being played on a Screen and in a Window! You can also select different C2P Routine for the game. A fantastic 3D FPS game for Amiga!
Gloom Deluxe Video without i-Glasses mode
Virtual Reality seems to get the push it needs these days. But is people Ready for VR yet?
Today that 3D trend has changed for the better all in all. But, will it become huge? We will see. But Amiga market as seen here tried several times to move the 3D VR market without luck. These virtual i-glasses are compatible with not only Amiga. They were made for PCs and all major gaming systems including Sega, Nintendo, and Sony.
Source: cucug.org