United Amiga Enemies Meets at Gamescom 2019

United Amiga Enemies Meets at Gamescom 2019

We all know that the years for Amiga been very turbulent ever since Commodore had to close down in 1994. ESCOM, Gateway 2000 and even Amino tried their best but all failed. None of them managed to bring the Amiga back to the level that Commodore had. All of them promised a better Amiga future with new hardware and a new operating system.

But the fact is none of them managed to do anything. Instead, the Amiga community itself began to take control back by releasing MorphOS and AROS. AmigaOS 4.x also finally came out after many years of failed promises. Hyperion Entertainment together with Eyetech did some nice efforts but it wasn’t enough. Acube tried too and then A-EON was made to try saving nextgen Amiga. Trevor was one of the first leaders in the Amiga universe that saw the joy in all of the Amiga forks that were created. With Trevor behind the wheel, many hoped for a better future. But Amiga as a commercial platform never sky rocked.

But Hyperion wasn’t alone at wanting to bring the Amiga back. Cloanto and Genesi also tried to do it too. Together with Infinity Amiga 1300 makers, Elbox and maybe even more. They got Amiga licenses. So even if most of us knew about Hyperion during the beginning of 2000. Cloanto always wanted to get the Amiga rights too so that the Amiga future could be changed for the better. But life, as we know it is not always as media, says it is. So legal battles over Amiga IP’s and rights never ended. The big question everyone in the Amiga community now asks is what is going on? With the featured image for this article as proof. The enemies seem to finally try to Unite somehow.

United Amiga Enemies Meets at Gamescom 2019
That’s Timothy, Gunnar and Mike at Gamescom 2019

United Amiga Enemies Meets at Gamescom 2019

For most of the people that visited Gamescom 2019. They visited the event for trying the hottest and newest games for today’s consoles. But what most of the visitors (except for people in the Amiga community) didn’t know is that the Amiga enemies actually met for talks at Gamescom 2019. Not all of them had a stand such as Hyperion and New Amiga.

Things happened at the event. Not only did they talk but they also seem to have hand-shaken with Apollo Team which is doing very good with their 68080 Vampirized accelerators for Classic Amiga. Most of the pictures that we got were taken from the Amiga Future stand at the event.

What they talked about is unclear. But what we know is that they are from Hyperion (which is the maker of AmigaOS 4 and AmigaOS 3.1.4), New Amiga, and A-EON. Timothy is the CEO from Hyperion, Mike is from New Amiga and Trevor is from A-EON. We at Amitopia Amiga Magazine urge that you all find a peaceful solution so that you can bring Amiga to new heights together with the community. Stop fighting about rights and make the commercial part of Amiga equally to the will from the community.

If Amiga got a chance in this world. Amiga should show that going into the opposite direction of what Microsoft and Apple companies do is the correct way to go. Why should AmigaOS 3.x from New Amiga or Hyperion have a big thing to say? Both of these Classic Amiga upgrades are fantastic. We should all embrace the AmigaOS development. Just look at all the hardware, apps and games that are released for AmigaOS since 2010. It is increasing every month because of AROS open source developers, MorphOS Team and the users of the Apollo Team accelerators. Soon we will have new Warp and TF accelerators also. They will compete in a fair competition which the Amiga enemies also should embrace.

It is a true fact that our community gives so much energy to Amiga is just amazing. The enemies should look at it and see how much Love that gives the platform. That itself should make them friends and we really hope that their meeting at this gaming event will just continue for a better Amiga future that all of the people in the Amiga community deserve to have.

United Amiga Enemies Meets at Gamescom 2019Gamescom 2019 shows that Amiga is Alive

Thousands of visitors got the chance to try out both Classic Amiga and Nextgen Amiga at Gamescom 2019. Hyperion, New Amiga, and A-EON met at the meeting. They also seem to get a more positive vibe towards Apollo Team too. People could try to play Diablo 68k port on Vampire and on A1222 Tabor. People could play Aladdin on Classic Amiga or Tower 57 on an AmigaOS 4 computer. Which is great.

Gunnar seems to be a very happy showing off his Vampire V4 standalone too. If all of the companies that want to have Amiga IP’s just worked together for calling everything Amiga and be happy about it. It would be so fantastic.

United Amiga Enemies Meets at Gamescom 2019
United Amiga Enemies Meets at Gamescom 2019


United Amiga Enemies Meets at Gamescom 2019 United Amiga Enemies Meets at Gamescom 2019

I am really looking forward to the Amiga34 event in Neuss, Germany. You can find all of the most important details in our Amitopia Events Calendar page. Maybe we can be one that delivers lots of choices. Because most of us want Amiga to be seen as Amiga. It is a movement. A positive one. A movement that makes sure that Amiga is still alive after 34 years. All of the visitors that tried out the Amiga computers and consoles at Gamescom 2019 is proof of that. A big thanks to all Amiga companies that came to Gamescom 2019. You have lifted the Amiga interest for many. Kudos to you!

All of the images are both from Trevor and Mike that sent them to me. Thanks a lot for them. Most of the pictures are also taken from the Amiga Future stand at the event. Amiga Future is a fantastic physical Amiga magazine that you should support. Amiga Future is made both in German and English language. Recommended!

So. Let’s finally hope that in time before 2020. Amiga can finally be united after 34-35 years. That would be a dream come true!


Source: Amitopia Own Experience – Photosource: Trevor Dickinson and Mike Labatt

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