68000 CPU Adapter Board for PiStorm

PiStorm is an open-source accelerator that makes use of the RaspberryPi. This accelerator is designed by Amiga fan Claude Schwarz and many more. This is the Ultimate Raspberry Pi-powered Accelerator for Your Commodore Amiga machines and this adapter by Edu Arana is what you need for much easier installation. This adapter is making PiStorm connect for many without hardware experience is a brilliant product to get.

The price is just 45 Euro for this adapter and you need to purchase a Raspberry Pi that is Costing little. You can get it for 13 Euro. It is a bargain regarding upgrading Classic Amiga in its history. This product is fully compatible with PiStorm. Just purchase it, get it and install it.

If you are uncertain about how to install PiStorm. Visit their Discord channel for questions. Also, if you have the knowledge. All help is appreciated.

PiStorm Adapter Out Now

This PiStorm is an adapter board that plugs into the socket for Amiga’s Motorola 68000. With the PiStorm you upgrade any OCS Amiga such as Amiga 500, Amiga 500+, and Amiga 2000 to run speeds similar to a very fast 68EC030 CPU. The specs are reaching 70 – 80 MHz.

PiStorm is designed to use a Raspberry Pi 3 A+ which functions in place of the CPU and according to Schwarz, there are plans in the works for a CM4 edition that could see a greater increase in performance. Other features provided by PiStorm are support for large amounts of RAM (up to 128MB), virtual SCSI devices, swappable Kickstart ROM images (the BIOS of an Amiga), and accelerated high-resolution graphics via the Raspberry Pi’s HDMI port.

Including PiStorm you also got heavy development with ApolloOS and Vampire. It is a bit more expensive, but for beginners it’s a nice alternative.

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