Cookie Master demo for AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and AROS with OWB support on Aminet

Short: Web browser cookie cleaner demo
Author: Marko K. Seppänen
Uploader: Marko K. Seppänen <marko seppanen gmail com>
Type: comm/www
Version: 1.5.4
Replaces: comm/www/CookieM*
Requires: MUI4 (or Zune 3.8)
Architecture: ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos; i386-aros
Date: 2017-02-13
Download: contents

CookieMaster is a cookie cleaner for Odyssey web browser (support for more
browsers to follow in future versions).

– Scans Odyssey web browser cookies from any given path provided in settings.
– Possible to mark cookies for Deletion, to be Ignored, or to be Always
Ignore, in future scans before commiting to delete any of them.
– Possible to add cookies to Ignore List to exclude them from deletion.
– Provides a number of settings, which are stored in a file in ENVARC:
– Executables for all three NG Amigas, including AOS4, MOS and AROS.
– Written on an Amiga NG machine for Amigans and Amiga NG machines.

MUI4 (Zune3.8 for AROS)

CookieMaster for Amiga
CookieMaster for Amiga

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