Pekka Kana 2 (Pekka the Rooster 2) is a game that was released in 2003. It is a jump ‘n run game made in the spirit of old classic platformers such as Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Jazz Jackrabbit, Super Frog, and so on. The game is available on Play Store, Windows, and now also for MorphOS.

The simple goal in the platformer Pekka Kana 2 is to find the exit sign in each level, which is usually not that simple as it sounds because of enemies, traps, and quirky puzzles.
Assembly’03 Game released for MorphOS
Pekka Kana 2 was released back in the year 2003 at the Assembly ’03 Game Development Competition. There it placed 2nd. Since then the game has been featured on numerous different sites and cover discs. Players have also made their own levels with the PK2 Level Editor, which was released later in 2003. Pekka Kana 2 has also been translated to several languages, and you can download the language files and manuals from the bottom of this page.
This port of Pekka Kana 2 is a quick port from AmigaOS4. The game is playable but needs some speed improvements. It is still fun. The graphics are very beautifully drawn, music, and the gameplay fits well together.

I am happy to see this game for free for MorphOS users to try. It is fun to play it on the desktop. You can configure keys. I hope that Pekka Kana 2 will be done in the end so that it will run faster. Software renderer is forced too.