Psssst!!! Apollo Team hasn’t forgotten Amiga 1200. It is on the move! A video of Vampire 1200 connected to the expansion connector on Amiga 1200 also shows some progress below.
In our Vampire V4 Standalone article. Apollo Team seems to be gearing up their development to release these new FPGA options for users that love Classic Amiga. Now it is working as it should.
Majsta’s no more struggle with Card edge connectors
Majsta got issues with the connectors before, but now it seems to be solved. What he did is not mentioned. I thought that this was the case until I saw when this posting was posted. The website got me! … Send Amitopia news updates about Vampire to! We want to help you out.
Get in touch with Apollo Team for further Amiga 1200 development
If you have any questions regarding what the Apollo Team is doing. You can find the team on #apollo-team IRC channel on Freenode.
Also, you can goto Vampire Accelerators Users Group on Facebook. I hope that the Apollo Team will produce many Vampire 1200 cards and give the Amiga reborn a fully meaning for all Amiga 1200 users around the world.
Source: Majsta